Disclosure Notice

The following abbreviations and acronyms used in this Form 10-K are defined below:

Abbreviation or Acronym


Adjusted EBITDA

EBITDA adjusted to exclude unrealized gains and losses on benefit plan investments, stock-based compensation and one-time Separation costs


Publicly-funded work completed for federal and state departments of transportation, as well as cities and counties

Annual Report

2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K


FASB Accounting Standards Codification


FASB Accounting Standards Update


Commercial driver’s license


Centennial Energy Holdings, Inc., a direct wholly owned subsidiary of MDU Resources and the direct parent company of Knife River prior to the Separation


Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act


Creating Helpful Initiatives to Produce Semiconductors Act

Clean Air Act

Federal law that regulates air emissions from stationary and mobile sources to protect public health and the environment

Company or Knife River

Knife River Corporation


Coronavirus disease 2019


Cyber Risk Oversight Committee


The distribution of approximately 90 percent of the outstanding shares of Knife River common stock to MDU Resources stockholders on a pro rata basis of one share of Knife River common stock for every four shares held of MDU Resources common stock


Delaware General Corporation Law

Dodd-Frank Act

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act


Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, depletion and amortization


“Competitive EDGE” strategy implemented by the Company to improve margins and to execute on other strategic initiatives aimed at generating long-term profitable growth. The EDGE acronym stands for EBITDA Margin Improvement, Discipline, Growth and Excellence.


Federal Equal Employment Opportunity laws in the United States


Employer Identification Number


United States Environmental Protection Agency


Environmental, social and governance matters

Exchange Act

Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended


Financial Accounting Standards Board


Funding improvement plan

Free Cash Flows

Cash flows provided by (used in) operating activities less capital expenditures plus proceeds from asset sales


Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America


Greenhouse gas


Internal Revenue Service

Item 8

Financial Statements and Supplementary Data


Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Knife River Corporation

The holding company established in conjunction with the Separation and, prior to the Separation, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of MDU Resources

Knife River – Northwest

A direct wholly owned subsidiary of Knife River


Company’s 401(k) Retirement Plan


Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

MDU Resources

MDU Resources Group, Inc., the indirect parent company of Knife River prior to the Separation


Multiemployer pension plan


Public Company Accounting and Oversight Board

Proxy Statement

Company’s 2024 Proxy Statement to be filed no later than April 29, 2024


Potentially Responsible Party

Qualified Person

As defined by the SEC, a mineral industry professional with at least five years of relevant experience in the type of mineralization and type of deposit under consideration and in the specific type of activity that person is undertaking. The qualified person must also be an eligible member or licensee in good standing of a recognized professional organization


Rehabilitation plan

Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Federal act passed in 2002 to improve auditing and public disclosures in response to several accounting scandals in the early-2000s


United States Securities and Exchange Commission

Securities Act

Securities Act of 1933, as amended


The separation of Knife River from MDU Resources’ other businesses and the creation of an independent, publicly traded company


Secured Overnight Financing Rate



Investing in Knife River common stock involves a number of risks and uncertainties. The factors and other matters discussed herein are important factors that could cause actual results or outcomes for the Company to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements included elsewhere in this Annual Report. If any of the risks described below actually occur, Knife River’s business, prospects, financial condition or financial results could be materially impacted and the trading price of Knife River’s common stock could decline, and investors could lose all or part of their investment. The following are the most material risk factors applicable to Knife River and are not necessarily listed in order of importance or probability of occurrence and not necessarily inclusive of all risks. Knife River may also be subject to other risks or uncertainties not presently known to it or that it currently deems to be immaterial but may materially adversely affect Knife River’s business, prospects, financial condition, financial results or the trading price of Knife River’s common stock in future periods.


Operations, Growth and Competitive Risks

Knife River operates in a highly competitive industry.

The Company is subject to competition throughout the markets it serves as they are highly fragmented and competes with a number of regional, national and international companies. These companies may have greater financial and other resources than Knife River, while other competitors are smaller and more specialized, and concentrate their resources in particular areas of expertise. The Company’s results are also affected by the number of competitors in a market, the production capacity that a particular market can accommodate, the pricing practices of other competitors and the entry of new competitors in a market. Significant competition could lead to lower prices, higher wages, lower sales volumes and higher costs.

In addition, construction materials and related contracting services are marketed under highly competitive conditions and are subject to competitive forces such as price, quality, service, delivery time and proximity to the customer. Knife River’s customers make competitive determinations based upon qualifications, experience, performance, reputation, technology, customer relationships, price, quality and ability to provide the relevant services in a timely, safe and cost-efficient manner. Increased competition may result in the inability to win bids for future projects and failure to effectively compete could negatively affect Knife River’s results of operations, financial position and cash flows.

Furthermore, new acquisition opportunities are subject to competitive bidding environments, which may increase the prices the Company must pay to successfully grow its business through acquisitions.

Knife River may not be able to secure, permit or economically mine strategically located aggregate reserves.

Knife River must obtain governmental, environmental, mining, and/or other permits at many of its facilities. New quarry sites can take years to develop and in a number of states in which Knife River operates, it can be difficult to permit new aggregate sites or expand existing aggregate sites due to community resistance and regulatory requirements, among other things. In addition, construction aggregates are difficult to transport efficiently and freight costs can make certain deposits uneconomical to mine if located in areas of little growth or without the ability to supply growing markets served by rail or barge. Failure to secure, permit and mine such reserves could negatively impact Knife River’s business, financial condition and results of operations.

Knife River is exposed to risk of loss resulting from the nonpayment and/or nonperformance by its customers and counterparties.

Knife River’s customers include public and private entities that have been, and may continue to be, negatively impacted by the economy. A recessionary construction economy can increase the likelihood that Knife River will not be able to collect on all accounts receivable or may experience a delay in payment from some customers. If its customers or counterparties experience financial difficulties, which has occurred and may reoccur, Knife River could experience difficulty in collecting receivables. While no one customer accounted for over 10 percent of Knife River’s revenue in 2023, 2022 or 2021, Knife River faces collection risk as a normal part of business where it performs services and subsequently bills clients for such services. In the event that Knife River has concentrated credit risk from customers in a specific geographic area or industry, negative trends or a worsening in financial conditions in that specific geographic area or industry, Knife River could become more susceptible to disproportionately high levels of default. Nonpayment and/or nonperformance by its customers and counterparties could have a negative impact on Knife River’s results of operations and cash flows.

The success of Knife River depends, in part, on the ability to execute on its acquisition strategy, to successfully integrate acquired businesses and to retain key employees of acquired businesses.

The Company’s current geographic and asset footprint is the result of a deliberate acquisition growth strategy, which began in 1992 following its first aggregate company acquisition. Since then, Knife River has acquired and integrated over 80 complementary businesses, which have contributed significantly to its growth. Management continues to evaluate strategic acquisition opportunities as part of its ongoing growth strategy. Management is unable to predict the timing or size of any future acquisitions. Potential risks associated with acquisitions could include, among other things: Knife River’s ability to identify attractive acquisitions; Knife River’s ability to offer potential acquisition targets competitive transaction terms; Knife River’s ability to raise additional equity and/or incur additional indebtedness, which could increase its net leverage; and reputational or other damage due to the prior conduct of an acquired company.

In addition, the investigation of potential acquisitions and the negotiation, drafting and execution of relevant agreements, disclosure documents and other instruments require substantial management time and attention and costs for third-party consultants. If a proposed acquisition is not completed for any reason, including events beyond the Company’s control, the costs incurred up to that point for the transaction likely would not be recoverable.

Acquisitions typically require integration of the acquired company’s project management, finance, information technology, risk management, purchasing, human resources and fleet management functions. The Company may be unable to successfully integrate an acquired business into its existing business, and an acquired business may not be as profitable as expected or at all. Acquisitions involve risks that the acquired business will not perform as expected and that the expectations concerning the value, strengths and weaknesses of the acquired business will prove incorrect. The inability to successfully integrate new businesses in a timely and orderly manner could increase costs and result in dis-synergies and negatively impact the Company’s results of operations and prevent Knife River from realizing expected rates of return on the acquired business. Factors affecting the successful integration of an acquired business include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Responsibility for certain liabilities of an acquired business, whether or not known, which could include, among other things, tax liabilities, product and other tort liabilities, breach of contract claims, environmental liabilities, permitting and regulatory compliance issues and liabilities for employment practices.
  • Ability to retain local managers, key employees and customers who are important to the operations of the acquired business.
  • Implementation of financial and management information systems, business practices and policies.
  • Conforming standards, controls, procedures and policies, business cultures and compensation structures among Knife River and the acquired company.
  • Pursuit of multiple acquisition opportunities simultaneously.
  • Unforeseen expenses, complications and delays, including difficulties in employing sufficient staff and maintaining operational and management oversight.

In addition, potential acquisitions may be in states in which the Company does not currently operate, which could result in unforeseen operating difficulties and difficulties in coordinating geographically dispersed operations, personnel and facilities.

 Knife River cannot guarantee that it will continue to acquire businesses at valuations consistent with prior acquisitions or that it will complete future acquisitions at all. The Company also cannot know whether there will be attractive acquisition opportunities at reasonable prices or that financing will be available.

Technology disruptions or cyberattacks could adversely impact operations.

Knife River uses technology in substantially all aspects of its business operations and requires uninterrupted operation of information technology and operation technology systems, including disaster recovery and backup systems and network infrastructure. While Knife River has policies, procedures and processes in place designed to strengthen and protect these systems, they may be vulnerable to physical and cybersecurity failures or unauthorized access, due to: hacking, human error, theft, sabotage, malicious software, ransomware, third-party compromise, acts of terrorism, acts of war, acts of nature or other causes.

Although there are manual processes in place, should a compromise or system failure occur, interdependencies to technology may disrupt Knife River’s ability to fulfill critical business functions. This may include interruption of facilities for delivery of construction materials or other products and services, any of which could adversely affect its reputation, business, cash flows and results of operations or subject Knife River to legal costs.

Knife River’s accounting systems and its ability to collect information and invoice customers for products and services could be disrupted. If Knife River’s operations are disrupted, it could result in decreased revenues and remediation costs that could adversely affect Knife River’s results of operations and cash flows.

Knife River, through the ordinary course of business, requires access to sensitive customer, supplier, employee, financial and other data. While Knife River has implemented extensive security measures, including limiting the amount of sensitive information retained, a breach of its systems could compromise sensitive data and could go unnoticed for some time. Such an event could result in negative publicity and reputational harm, remediation costs, legal claims and fines that could have an adverse effect on its financial results. Third-party service providers that perform critical business functions for Knife River or have access to sensitive information within Knife River also may be vulnerable to security breaches and information technology risks that could adversely affect the Company.

Cyberattacks continue to increase in frequency and sophistication, which could cause Knife River’s information systems to be a target of ongoing and sophisticated cyberattacks by a variety of sources with the apparent aim to breach its cyber-defenses. Also, Knife River may face increased cyber risk due to the increased use of employee-owned devices and work from home arrangements. Such incidents could have a material adverse effect on its business, financial condition or results of operations. Management is continuously reevaluating the need to upgrade and/or replace systems and network infrastructure. These upgrades and/or replacements could adversely impact operations by imposing substantial capital expenditures, creating delays or outages, or creating difficulties transitioning to new systems. System disruptions, if not anticipated and appropriately mitigated, could adversely affect the Company.

The SEC has adopted new rules that require Knife River to provide greater disclosures around cybersecurity risk management, strategy and governance, as well as to disclose the occurrence of material cybersecurity incidents. Knife River cannot predict or estimate the amount of additional costs it will incur in order to comply with these rules or the timing of such costs. These rules and regulations may also require Knife River to report a cybersecurity incident before it has been able to fully assess the impact or remediate the underlying issue. Efforts to comply with such reporting requirements could divert management’s attention from its incident response and could potentially reveal system vulnerabilities to threat actors. Failure to timely report incidents under these or other similar rules could also result in monetary fines, sanctions, or subject Knife River to other forms of liability. This regulatory environment is increasingly challenging and may present material obligations and risks to Knife River’s business, including significantly expanded compliance burdens, costs and enforcement risks.

The Company has not incorporated artificial intelligence within its operations but does have technology partners that have incorporated artificial intelligence into their systems. The potential use of artificial intelligence could introduce security risks that could expose confidential data leading to the loss of competitive and reputational damage. The implementation of artificial intelligence could also impose a reliability risk of the Company’s data not being fully vetted for accuracy.

While Knife River’s insurance policies include liability coverage for certain of these matters, if it experiences a significant security incident, it could be subject to liability or other damages that exceed its insurance coverage and it cannot be certain that such insurance policies will continue to be available to it on economically reasonable terms, or at all, or that any insurer will not deny coverage as to any future claim. The successful assertion of one or more large claims against Knife River that exceed available insurance coverage, or the occurrence of changes in our insurance policies, including premium increases or the imposition of large deductible or co-insurance requirements, could have a material adverse effect on its results of operations, financial condition and cash flows.

Artificial intelligence presents risks and challenges that can impact Knife River’s business by posing security risks to its confidential information, proprietary information and personal data.

Issues in the development and use of artificial intelligence, combined with an uncertain regulatory environment, may result in reputational harm, liability or other adverse consequences to the Company’s business operations. Knife River may adopt and integrate generative artificial intelligence tools into its systems for specific use cases reviewed by legal and information security. Knife River’s vendors may incorporate generative artificial intelligence tools into their offerings without disclosing this use to the Company, and the providers of these generative artificial intelligence tools may not meet existing or rapidly evolving regulatory or industry standards with respect to privacy and data protection and may inhibit Knife River’s or its vendors’ ability to maintain an adequate level of service and experience. If Knife River, its vendors, or its third-party partners experience an actual or perceived breach of privacy or security incident because of the use of generative artificial intelligence, the Company may lose valuable intellectual property and confidential information and its reputation and the public perception of the effectiveness of its security measures could be harmed. Further, bad actors around the world use increasingly sophisticated methods, including the use of artificial intelligence, to engage in illegal activities involving the theft and misuse of personal information, confidential information and intellectual property. Any of these outcomes could damage Knife River’s reputation, result in the loss of valuable property and information, and adversely impact its business.

Knife River could experience temporary interruptions in its business operations and incur additional costs as it further develops information technology infrastructure and transitions its data to stand-alone systems.

Knife River is in the process of transitioning information technology infrastructure and systems to support its critical business functions, including accounting and reporting, in order to replace many of the systems and functions that MDU Resources has traditionally provided. Knife River may experience temporary interruptions in business operations if it cannot transition effectively to its own stand-alone systems and functions, which could disrupt its business operations and have a material adverse effect on profitability. In addition, Knife River’s costs for the operation of these systems may be higher than the amounts reflected in the audited consolidated financial statements.

Knife River may be unable to protect its intellectual property, or may be alleged to have infringed upon the intellectual property rights of others, which could result in a loss of its competitive advantage and a diversion of resources.

The Company’s efforts to protect its intellectual property rights may not be sufficient or effective to prevent misappropriation or infringement of its intellectual property, which could result in a loss of its competitive advantage. In addition, any of its intellectual property rights may be challenged, which could result in being declared invalid or unenforceable. Knife River may litigate to protect its intellectual property from misappropriation or infringement by others, which could be expensive and cause a diversion of resources and ultimately may not be successful.

Moreover, competitors or other third parties may allege that Knife River, or consultants or other third parties retained or indemnified by it, infringe on its intellectual property rights. The potential risks and uncertainties of intellectual property-related litigation and an assertion of an infringement claim against Knife River may cause it to spend significant amounts to defend the claim, and possibly pay significant money damages. In the event of a settlement or adverse judgment, Knife River’s results of operations may materially decline if it is prohibited from using the relevant intellectual property, especially if it is required to pay to the alleged owner of the relevant intellectual property licensing fees, royalties or damages. Even in instances where Knife River believes that claims and allegations of intellectual property infringement against it are without merit, defending against such claims may be time consuming and expensive and may result in the diversion of time and attention of its management and employees.


Economic and Political Risks

Knife River’s business is seasonal and subject to weather conditions that could adversely affect its operations.

A majority of Knife River’s business is seasonal, with results of operations affected by weather conditions. Construction materials production and related contracting services typically follow the activity in the construction industry, with heavier contracting services workloads in the spring, summer and fall. Extreme or unusually adverse weather conditions, which have occurred and may reoccur, such as extreme temperatures, heavy or sustained rainfall or snowfall, wildfires and storms may affect the demand for products and the ability to perform services on construction work. The Company could also be impacted by drought conditions, which may restrict the availability of water supplies and inhibit the ability to conduct operations. As a result, extreme or unusually adverse weather conditions could negatively affect the Company’s results of operations, financial position and cash flows.

Significant changes in prices for commodities, labor, or other production and delivery inputs could negatively affect Knife River’s businesses.

Knife River’s operations are exposed to fluctuations in prices for labor, energy-related products, cement, fuel, raw materials and utilities, among other things. Prices are generally subject to change in response to fluctuations in supply and demand and other general economic and market conditions beyond Knife River’s control. The global political environment is a primary driver in price changes to commodities and inputs out of the Company’s control. In recent years, the Company experienced elevated commodity and supply chain costs including the costs of labor, raw materials, energy-related products and other inputs used in the production and distribution of its products and services. Recent inflationary pressures have significantly increased the cost of raw materials by greater than 10 percent in comparison to average annual historical increases of approximately 3 percent. While Knife River seeks to mitigate some or all cost increases through increases in selling prices of its materials, maintaining positive relationships with numerous raw material suppliers, escalation clauses in construction services contracts and fuel surcharges, the Company may not always be successful which could negatively impact its results of operations.

High energy prices, specifically for diesel fuel, natural gas and liquid asphalt, have impacted and could further affect the margins realized, as well as demand for construction materials and related contracting services. Increased labor costs, due to labor shortages, competition from other industries, or other factors, could also negatively affect Knife River’s results of operations. Due to their size and weight, aggregates are costly and difficult to transport efficiently. Knife River’s products and services are generally localized around its aggregate sites and served by truck or in certain markets by rail or barge. Knife River could be negatively impacted by freight costs due to rising fuel costs; rate increases for third-party freight; truck, railcar or barge shortages, including shortages of truck drivers and rail crews; rail service interruptions; and minimum tonnage requirements, among other things. To the extent price increases or other mitigating factors are not sufficient to offset these increased costs adequately or timely, and/or if the price increases result in a significant decrease in sales volumes, Knife River’s results of operations, financial position and cash flows could be negatively impacted.

Supply chain disruptions may adversely affect Knife River’s operations.

At times or in certain markets, Knife River relies on third-party vendors and manufacturers to supply or transport many of the materials necessary for its operations. Disruptions, shortages or delays in the transportation of materials; price increases from suppliers or manufacturers; or inability to source needed materials have occurred and may continue to occur, which could adversely affect Knife River’s results of operations, financial condition, cash flows and harm customer relationships. Further, supply chain disruptions can occur from events out of Knife River’s control such as fires, floods, severe weather, natural disasters, environmental incidents or other catastrophes. National and regional demand for cement and liquid asphalt may at times outpace the supply in the market. This imbalance creates a temporary shortage which may cause prices to increase faster than downstream products. Any material disruption at Knife River’s facilities or those of its customers or suppliers or otherwise within its supply chain, whether as a result of downtime, work stoppages or facility damage, could prevent Knife River from meeting customer demands or expected timelines, require it to incur unplanned capital expenditures, or cause other material disruptions to its operations, any of which could have a material adverse effect on Knife River’s operations, financial position and cash flows.

Knife River’s business is based in large part on government-funded infrastructure projects and building activities, and any reductions or reallocation of spending or related subsidies in these areas could have an adverse effect on the Company.

Certain of Knife River’s businesses depend on government spending for infrastructure and other similar building activities. As a result, demand for some of Knife River’s products is influenced by local, state and federal government fiscal policies, tax incentives and other subsidies, and other general macroeconomic and political factors. Projects in which Knife River participates may be funded directly by governments or privately funded, but are otherwise tied to or impacted by government policies and spending measures.

Government spending is often approved only on a short-term basis and some of the projects in which Knife River’s products are used require longer-term funding commitments. If government funding is not approved or funding is lowered as a result of poor economic conditions, lower than expected revenues, competing spending priorities, or other factors, it could limit infrastructure projects available, increase competition for projects, result in excess inventory, and decrease sales, all of which could adversely affect the profitability of Knife River’s business.

Additionally, certain regions or states may require or possess the means to finance only a limited number of large infrastructure projects and periods of high demand may be followed by years of little to no activity. There can be no assurances that governments will sustain or increase current infrastructure spending and tax incentive and other subsidy levels, and any reductions thereto or delays therein could affect Knife River’s business, liquidity and financial condition, and results of operations.

Economic volatility affects Knife River’s operations, as well as the demand for its products and services.

Unfavorable economic conditions can negatively affect the level of public and private expenditures on projects and the timing of these projects which, in turn, can negatively affect demand for Knife River’s products and services. The level of demand for construction materials and contracting services could be adversely impacted by the economic conditions in the industries and market areas Knife River serves, as well as in the general economy. Local, state and federal budget limitations also affect the funding available for infrastructure spending, which could have an adverse impact on Knife River’s earnings and results of operations.

Pandemics, including COVID-19, may have a negative impact on Knife River’s business operations, revenues, results of operations, liquidity and cash flows.

Pandemics have disrupted national, state and local economies. To the extent a pandemic adversely impacts Knife River’s businesses, operations, revenues, liquidity or cash flows, it could also have a heightened effect on other risks described in this section. The degree to which a pandemic will impact Knife River depends on future developments, including the resurgence of COVID-19 and its variants, federal and state mandates, actions taken by governmental authorities, effectiveness of vaccines being administered, and the pace and extent to which the economy recovers and remains under relatively normal operating conditions.

Other factors associated with a pandemic that could impact Knife River’s businesses and future operating results, revenues and liquidity include impacts related to the health, safety, and availability of employees and contractors; extended rise in unemployment; public and private-sector budget changes and constraints; counterparty credit; costs and availability of supplies; capital construction and infrastructure operation and maintenance programs; financing plans; pension valuations; travel restrictions; and legal matters. The economic and market disruptions resulting from a pandemic could also lead to greater than normal uncertainty with respect to the realization of estimated amounts, including estimates for backlog, revenue recognition, intangible assets, other investments and provisions for credit losses.


Legal and Regulatory Compliance Risks

Knife River may be negatively impacted by pending and/or future litigation, claims or investigations.

Knife River is and/or may become party to, among other things, personal injury, environmental, commercial, contract, warranty, antitrust, tax, property entitlements and land use, product liability, health and safety, and employment claims. The outcome of pending or future lawsuits, claims, investigations or proceedings is often difficult to predict and could be adverse and material in amount. In addition to the monetary cost, litigation can divert management’s attention from its core business opportunities. Development of new information in these matters can often lead to changes in management’s estimated liabilities associated with these proceedings including the judge’s rulings or judgements, jury verdicts, settlements or changes in applicable law. The outcome of such matters is often difficult to predict, and unfavorable outcomes could have a material impact to Knife River’s results of operations, financial position and cash flows.

Knife River’s operations could be negatively impacted by import tariffs and/or other government mandates.

Knife River operates in or provides services to capital-intensive industries in which federal trade policies could significantly impact the availability and cost of materials. Imposed and proposed tariffs could significantly increase the prices and delivery lead times on raw materials and finished products that are critical to Knife River and its customers, such as cement and steel, among other things. Knife River faces competition from manufacturers both in the United States and around the world, some of which may engage in competition and trade practices involving the importation of competing products in the United States or other foreign laws, regulations or practices. Prolonged lead times on the delivery of raw materials and further tariff increases on raw materials and finished products could adversely affect Knife River’s business, financial condition and results of operations.

Knife River’s operations are subject to environmental laws and regulations that may increase costs, impact or limit business plans, or expose Knife River to environmental liabilities.

Knife River is subject to environmental laws and regulations affecting many aspects of its operations, including air and water quality, wastewater discharge, the generation, transportation and disposal of solid waste and hazardous substances, aggregate permitting and other environmental considerations. These laws and regulations can increase capital, operating and other costs; cause delays as a result of litigation and administrative proceedings; and create environmental compliance, remediation, containment, monitoring and reporting obligations for construction materials facilities. Environmental laws and regulations can also require the Company to install pollution control equipment at its facilities, clean up spills and other contamination, and correct environmental hazards, including payment of all or part of the cost to remediate sites where Knife River’s past activities, or the activities of other parties, caused environmental contamination. These laws and regulations generally require Knife River to obtain and comply with a variety of environmental licenses, permits, inspections and other approvals. Although the Company strives to comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations, public and private entities and private individuals may interpret Knife River’s legal or regulatory requirements differently and seek injunctive relief or other remedies against Knife River. The Company cannot predict the outcome, financial or operational, of any such litigation or administrative proceedings.

Existing environmental laws and regulations may be revised and new laws and regulations seeking to protect the environment may be adopted or become applicable to Knife River. These laws and regulations could require the Company to limit the use or output of certain facilities; restrict the use of certain fuels; prohibit or restrict new or existing services; replace certain fuels with renewable fuels; retire and replace certain facilities and equipment; install pollution controls; remediate environmental impacts; remove or reduce environmental hazards; or forego or limit the development of resources. Revised or new laws and regulations that increase compliance and disclosure costs and/or restrict operations could adversely affect Knife River’s results of operations and cash flows.

Knife River’s operations could be adversely impacted by climate change.

Severe weather events, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, rain, drought, ice and snowstorms, and high- and low- temperature extremes, occur in regions in which Knife River operates and maintains infrastructure. Climate change could change the frequency and severity of these weather events, which may create physical and financial risks. Such risks could have an adverse effect on Knife River’s financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. Increases in severe weather conditions or extreme temperatures may cause infrastructure construction projects to be delayed or canceled and limit resources available for such projects resulting in decreased revenue or increased project costs. In addition, drought conditions could restrict the availability of water supplies or limit the ability to obtain water use permits, inhibiting the ability to conduct operations. To date, the Company has not experienced any material impacts to its financial condition, results of operations or cash flows due to the physical effects of climate change.

Climate change may impact a region’s economic health, which could impact its revenues. Knife River’s financial performance is tied to the health of the regional economies served where it provides construction materials and services. Increases in severe weather events or significant changes in temperature and precipitation patterns could adversely affect the economies of the states and communities affected by that industry.

The insurance industry may also be adversely affected by severe weather events, which may impact availability of insurance coverage, insurance premiums and insurance policy terms.

The price of energy also has an impact on the economic health of communities. The cost of additional regulatory requirements related to climate change, such as regulation of carbon dioxide emissions under the federal Clean Air Act, requirements to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy or to obtain emissions credits, or other environmental regulation or taxes could impact the availability of goods and the prices charged by suppliers, which would normally be borne by consumers through higher prices for energy and purchased goods, and could adversely impact economic conditions of areas served by Knife River. To the extent financial markets view climate change and emissions of GHG as a financial risk, this could negatively affect Knife River’s ability to access capital markets or result in less competitive terms and conditions.

Public concern over climate change has resulted in, and may continue to result in, new or increased regional, federal and global legal and regulatory requirements, including taxation, to reduce or mitigate carbon emissions and to limit or impose additional costs on carbon and water usage or other climate-related objectives. In the event that such regulation is more stringent than current regulatory obligations, or the measures that Knife River is currently undertaking to monitor and improve its resource efficiency, the Company may experience disruptions in, or increases in its costs of, operation and delivery to comply with new regulatory requirements due to investments in facilities and equipment or the relocation of its facilities. If Knife River or its suppliers are required to comply with these laws and regulations, or if Knife River chooses to take additional voluntary steps to reduce or mitigate its impact on the climate, Knife River may experience increased costs for energy, production, transportation, and raw materials, increased capital expenditures, or increased insurance premiums and deductibles, each of which could adversely impact its operations. In particular, proposed, new or inconsistent regulation and taxation of fuel and energy could increase the cost of complying with such laws and regulations as well as the cost of operation, including fuel required to operate its facilities or transport and distribute its products, thereby increasing the distribution and supply chain costs associated with Knife River’s products. Any assessment of the potential impact of future climate change legislation, regulations or industry standards, as well as any international treaties and accords, is uncertain given the wide scope of potential regulatory change in the jurisdictions in which Knife River operates.

Beyond the commercial pressures implicated by climate change concerns, Knife River’s operations may face potential adverse physical effects. In August of 2023 Hawaii experienced a series of wildfires across the island of Maui which impacted the Company’s operations, however, not materially. If any of Knife River’s properties and facilities experience a significant operational disruption or catastrophic loss due to the increased frequency or the severity of natural disasters or severe weather events, it could delay or disrupt production, shipments, and revenue, and result in potentially significant expenses to repair or replace these properties, which may negatively affect Knife River’s business and financial results.

Stakeholder actions and increased regulatory activity related to ESG, particularly climate change and reducing GHG emissions, could adversely impact the Company’s operations, costs of or access to capital and impact or limit business plans.

Knife River could face stakeholder scrutiny related to ESG. There has been an increased focus from stakeholders and regulators related to ESG matters across all industries in recent years, with investors (including institutional investors), proxy advisory firms, customers, employees and lenders, placing increasing importance on the impacts and social cost associated with climate change as well as ESG practices and policies of companies, including sustainability performance and risk mitigation efforts. The Company has the potential risk of “greenwashing,” i.e., the process of conveying misleading information or making false claims that overstate potential ESG benefits, which could lead to reputational harm. Investors (including institutional investors), proxy advisory firms, customers, employees and lenders, may also require the Company to implement sustainability/ESG responsibility procedures or standards before they continue to do business with Knife River. In addition, some investors use ESG criteria to guide their investment strategies, and may not invest in Knife River, or divest their holdings of Knife River, if they believe the Company’s policies relating to ESG matters are inadequate or, on the other hand, have a negative response to such policies as a result of anti-ESG sentiment. Concern that GHG emissions contribute to global climate change has led to international, federal, state and local legislative and regulatory proposals to reduce or mitigate the effects of GHG emissions. Knife River monitors, analyzes and reports GHG emissions from its operations as required by applicable laws and regulations. Knife River will continue to monitor GHG regulations and their potential impact on operations.

Due to the uncertain availability of technologies to control GHG emissions and the unknown obligations that potential GHG emission legislation or regulations may create, Knife River cannot determine the potential financial impact on its operations.

In addition, the increasing focus on climate change and stricter regulatory requirements may result in the Company facing adverse reputational risks associated with certain of its operations producing GHG emissions. Although Knife River has not experienced difficulties in these areas, if it is unable to satisfy the increasing climate-related expectations of certain stakeholders, Knife River may suffer reputational harm, which may cause its stock price to decrease or difficulty in accessing the capital or insurance markets. Such efforts, if successfully directed at Knife River, could increase the costs of or access to capital or insurance and interfere with business operations and ability to make capital expenditures.

Changes in tax law may negatively affect Knife River’s business.

Changes to federal, state and local tax laws have the ability to benefit or adversely affect Knife River’s earnings and customer costs. Significant changes to corporate tax rates could result in the impairment of deferred tax assets that are established based on existing law at the time of deferral. A number of factors may increase Knife River’s future effective income tax rate, including; governmental authorities increasing taxes or eliminating deductions, particularly the depletion deduction, the mix of earnings from depletable versus non-depletable businesses, the jurisdictions in which earnings and/or revenues are taxed, the resolution of issues arising from tax audits with various tax authorities, changes in the valuation of our deferred tax assets and liabilities, adjustments to estimated taxes upon finalization of various tax returns, changes in available tax credits, changes in stock-based compensation, other changes in tax laws and the interpretation of tax laws and/or administrative practices.


Human Capital Risks

Knife River’s operations may be negatively affected if it is unable to obtain, develop and retain key personnel and skilled labor forces.

Knife River must attract, develop and retain executive officers and other professional, technical and labor forces with the skills and experience necessary to successfully manage, operate and grow. Competition for these employees is high, due in part to changing workforce demographics, a shortage of younger employees who are qualified to replace employees as they retire, and remote work opportunities, among other things. In some cases, competition for these employees is on a regional or national basis. At times of low unemployment, it can be difficult for Knife River to attract and retain qualified and affordable personnel. A shortage in the supply of skilled personnel creates competitive hiring markets, increased labor expenses, decreased productivity and potentially lost business opportunities to support its operating and growth strategies. Additionally, if Knife River is unable to hire employees with the requisite skills, it may be forced to incur significant training expenses. As a result, Knife River’s ability to maintain productivity, relationships with customers, competitive costs, and quality services is limited by the ability to employ, retain and train the necessary skilled personnel and could negatively affect its results of operations, financial position and cash flows.

It is also critical to develop and train employees, hire new qualified personnel, and successfully manage the short and long-term transfer of critical knowledge and skills, including leadership development and succession planning throughout Knife River. While there are processes in place for management transition and the transfer of knowledge and skills, the loss of key personnel, coupled with an inability to adequately train other personnel, hire new personnel or transfer knowledge and skills, could significantly impact the Company’s ability to perform under our contracts and execute on new or growing programs.

Additionally, approximately 13 percent of Knife River’s workforce is comprised of employees that are covered by collective bargaining agreements with various unions. If the Company encounters difficulties with renegotiations or renewals of collective bargaining arrangements or are unsuccessful in those efforts, Knife River could incur additional costs and experience work stoppages. Union actions at suppliers also can affect Knife River. Any delays or work stoppages could adversely affect the ability to perform under contracts, which could negatively impact the Company’s results of operations, cash flows and financial condition.

Increasing costs associated with health care plans may adversely affect Knife River’s results of operations.

Knife River is primarily self-insured for the health care benefits for eligible employees. Increasing quantities of large individual health care claims and an overall increase in total health care claims as health care costs continue to increase could have an adverse impact on operating results, financial position and liquidity, particularly if Knife River cannot continue to carry stop loss insurance. Legislation related to health care could also change Knife River’s benefit program and costs.


Financial and Accounting Risks

Aggregate resource and reserve calculations are estimates and subject to uncertainty.

Knife River estimates aggregate reserves and resources based on available data. The estimates depend upon the interpretation of surface and subsurface investigations, major assumptions and other supporting data, which can be unpredictable. The quantity must be considered only an estimate until reserves are actually extracted and processed. This uncertainty in aggregate resource and reserve calculation may adversely impact Knife River’s results of operations.

Backlog may not accurately represent future revenue and gross margin.

Backlog consists of the uncompleted portion of services to be performed under job-specific contracts. Contracts are subject to delay, default or cancellation, and contracts in the Company’s backlog are subject to changes in the scope of services to be provided, as well as adjustments to the costs relating to the applicable contracts. Backlog may also be affected by project delays or cancellations resulting from weather conditions, external market factors and economic factors beyond Knife River’s control, among other things. Accordingly, there is no assurance that backlog will be realized. The timing of contract awards and duration of large new contracts can significantly affect backlog. Backlog at any given point in time may not accurately represent the revenue or margin that is realized in any period. Also, the backlog as of the end of the year may not be indicative of the revenue and gross margin expected to be earned in the following year and should not be relied upon as a stand-alone indicator of future financial results of Knife River.

Knife River operates in a capital-intensive industry and is subject to capital market and interest rate risks.

Knife River’s operations require significant capital investment to purchase and maintain the property and equipment required to mine and produce its products. In addition, Knife River’s operations include a significant level of fixed and semi-fixed costs. Consequently, Knife River relies on capital markets, particularly in the first half of the year due to the seasonal nature of the industry, as sources of liquidity for capital requirements not satisfied by cash flows from operations. If Knife River is not able to access capital at competitive rates, the ability to implement business plans, make capital expenditures or pursue acquisitions it would otherwise rely on for future growth may be adversely affected. Market disruptions may increase the cost of borrowing or adversely affect Knife River’s ability to access one or more financial markets. Higher interest rates on borrowings have impacted and could further impact Knife River’s results of operations. Such market disruptions could include: a significant economic downturn; financial distress of unrelated industry leaders in the same line of business; deterioration in capital market conditions; turmoil in the financial services industry; volatility in commodity prices; pandemics, including COVID-19; terrorist attacks; acts of war; and cyberattacks.

The debt capital market environment could impact Knife River’s ability to borrow money in the future. Additional financing or refinancing might not be available and, if available, may not be at economically favorable terms. Further, an increase in Knife River’s leverage could lead to deterioration in its credit ratings. A downgrade in Knife River’s credit ratings, regardless of the cause, could also limit the ability to obtain additional financing and/or increase the cost of obtaining financing. There is no guarantee Knife River will be able to access the capital markets at financially economical interest rates, which could negatively affect Knife River’s business. Knife River is also exposed to interest rate volatility risk on its variable rate debt as changes in central bank federal policies, as well as macro-economic factors, impact interest rates. While Knife River believes it will continue to have adequate credit available to meet its needs, there can be no assurance of that.

Knife River may be required to obtain financing in order to fund certain strategic acquisitions, if they arise, or to refinance outstanding debt. It is possible a large strategic acquisition would require Knife River to issue new equity and other debt and could result in a ratings downgrade notwithstanding Knife River’s issuance of equity securities to fund the transaction. Knife River is also exposed to risks from tightening credit markets, through the interest payable on any variable-rate debt, including the interest cost on future borrowings under Knife River’s credit facilities. While Knife River believes it will continue to have adequate credit available to meet its needs, there can be no assurance of that.

Financial market changes could impact Knife River’s defined benefit pension plans and obligations.

Knife River has defined benefit pension plans for some of its current and former employees. Assumptions regarding future costs, returns on investments, interest rates and other actuarial assumptions have a significant impact on the funding requirements and expense recorded relating to these plans.

Adverse changes in economic indicators, such as consumer spending, inflation data, interest rate changes, political developments and threats of terrorism, among other things, can create volatility in the financial markets. These changes could impact the assumptions and negatively affect the value of assets held in Knife River’s pension plans and may increase the amount and accelerate the timing of required funding contributions for those plans.

Costs related to obligations under MEPPs could have a material negative effect on Knife River’s results of operations and cash flows.

Knife River participates in MEPPs for employees represented by certain unions. Knife River is required to make contributions to these plans in amounts established under numerous collective bargaining agreements between the operating subsidiaries and those unions.

Knife River may be obligated to increase its contributions to underfunded plans that are classified as being in endangered, seriously endangered or critical status as defined by the Pension Protection Act of 2006. Plans classified as being in one of these statuses are required to adopt Rehabilitation Plans or Funding Improvement Plans to improve their funded status through increased contributions, reduced benefits or a combination of the two.

Knife River may also be required to increase its contributions to MEPPs if the other participating employers in such plans withdraw from the plans and are not able to contribute amounts sufficient to fund the unfunded liabilities associated with their participation in the plans. The amount and timing of any increase in its required contributions to MEPPs may depend upon one or more factors, including the outcome of collective bargaining; actions taken by trustees who manage the plans; actions taken by the plans’ other participating employers; the industry for which contributions are made; future determinations that additional plans reach endangered, seriously endangered or critical status; newly enacted government laws or regulations and the actual return on assets held in the plans; among others. Knife River could experience increased operating expenses as a result of required contributions to MEPPs, which could have an adverse effect on its results of operations, financial position or cash flows.

In addition, pursuant to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended by the Multiemployer Pension Plan Amendments Act, the Company could incur a partial or complete withdrawal liability upon withdrawing from a plan, exiting a market in which it does business with a union workforce or upon termination of a plan. Knife River could also incur additional withdrawal liability if its withdrawal from a plan is determined by that plan to be part of a mass withdrawal.

Knife River has substantial indebtedness and may incur substantial additional indebtedness, which could adversely affect its business, profitability and its ability to meet obligations.

Knife River had $697.0 million in aggregate principal amount of indebtedness outstanding as of December 31, 2023. Such indebtedness consists of Knife River’s $425 million 7.750% notes due 2031, $272 million in aggregate principal amount of term loans and a $350 million revolving credit facility, under which Knife River has no aggregate principal amount of loans outstanding as of December 31, 2023.

This amount of debt could potentially have important consequences to Knife River and its investors, including:

  • Requiring a substantial portion of its cash flow from operations to make interest payments on this debt following the Separation.
  • Making it more difficult to satisfy debt service and other obligations.
  • Increasing the risk of a future credit ratings downgrade of its debt, which could increase future debt costs and limit the future availability of debt financing.
  • Increasing its vulnerability to general adverse economic and industry conditions.
  • Reducing the cash flow available to fund capital expenditures and other corporate purposes and to grow its business.
  • Limiting its flexibility in planning for, or reacting to, changes in its business and the industry.
  • Placing it at a competitive disadvantage relative to its competitors that may not be as highly leveraged with debt.
  • And limiting its ability to borrow additional funds as needed or take advantage of business opportunities as they arise, pay cash dividends or repurchase ordinary shares.

To the extent that Knife River incurs additional indebtedness, the foregoing risks could increase. In addition, Knife River’s actual cash requirements in the future may be greater than expected and its cash flow from operations may not be sufficient to repay all of the outstanding debt as it becomes due. Further, Knife River may not be able to borrow money, sell assets or otherwise raise funds on acceptable terms, or at all, to refinance its debt.

A lowering or withdrawal of the ratings, outlook or watch assigned to Knife River or its debt by rating agencies may increase its future borrowing costs and reduce its access to capital.

The rating, outlook or watch assigned to Knife River or its debt could be lowered or withdrawn entirely by a rating agency if, in that rating agency’s judgment, current or future circumstances relating to the basis of the rating, outlook, or watch such as adverse changes to Knife River’s business, so warrant. Knife River’s credit ratings may also change as a result of the differing methodologies or changes in the methodologies used by the rating agencies. Any future lowering of Knife River’s or its debt’s ratings, outlook or watch likely would make it more difficult or more expensive for Knife River to obtain additional debt financing.


Separation Risks

Knife River has minimal history of operating as an independent, public company, and its historical financial information is not necessarily representative of the results that it would have achieved as a separate, publicly traded company and may not be a reliable indicator of its future results.

The historical information included in this Annual Report refers to Knife River’s business (i) as operated by and integrated with MDU Resources for periods prior to the Separation and (ii) as a stand-alone company for the period after the Separation. The historical financial information included in this Annual Report is derived from the audited consolidated financial statements and accounting records of MDU Resources and Knife River. Accordingly, the historical financial information included in this Annual Report does not necessarily reflect the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows that Knife River would have achieved as a separate, publicly traded company during the periods presented prior to the Separation or those that Knife River will achieve in the future, primarily as a result of the factors described below:

  • Prior to the Separation, Knife River’s business was operated by MDU Resources as part of its broader corporate organization, rather than as an independent company, and MDU Resources or one of its affiliates performed certain corporate functions for Knife River. Knife River’s historical results reflect allocations of corporate expenses from MDU Resources for such functions prior to the Separation, which are likely to be less than the expenses Knife River would have incurred had it operated as a separate publicly traded company.
  • Prior to the Separation, the Company shared economies of scope and scale in costs, employees and vendor relationships. Although Knife River entered into a transition services agreement with MDU Resources following the Separation, these arrangements may not retain or fully capture the benefits that Knife River had enjoyed as a result of being integrated with MDU Resources and may result in paying higher charges than in the past for these services. This could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s business, financial position, results of operations and cash flows as a stand-alone company.
  • Generally, Knife River’s working capital requirements and capital for its general corporate purposes, including acquisitions and capital expenditures, had, prior to the Separation, been satisfied as part of the corporate-wide cash management policies of Centennial. Following the Separation, Knife River’s results of operations and cash flows are now likely to be more volatile, and Knife River may need to obtain additional financing from banks, through public offerings or private placements of debt or equity securities, strategic relationships or other arrangements, which may or may not be available and may be more costly.
  • The cost of capital for Knife River’s business as a stand-alone company may be higher than MDU Resources’ cost of capital prior to the Separation.
  • As a public company, Knife River is subject to the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Dodd-Frank Act and is required to prepare its financial statements according to the rules and regulations required by the SEC. Complying with these requirements has resulted in significant costs and could require the Company to divert substantial resources, including management time, from other activities.

Other significant changes have occurred in the Company’s cost structure, management, financing and business operations as a result of operating as a company separate from MDU Resources. For additional information about the past financial performance of Knife River’s business and the basis of presentation of the historical audited consolidated financial statements, see “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and “Item 8 – Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.”

If the Separation, together with certain related transactions, does not qualify as a transaction that is generally tax-free for U.S. federal income tax purposes, the Company could be subject to significant tax liabilities and, in certain circumstances, the Company could be required to indemnify MDU Resources for material taxes and other related amounts pursuant to indemnification obligations under the tax matters agreement.

In connection with the Separation, MDU Resources received a private letter ruling from the IRS and one or more opinion(s) of its tax advisors, regarding certain U.S. federal income tax matters relating to the Separation and the Distribution. The IRS private letter ruling was based upon and relied on, and the opinion(s) of tax advisors was based upon and relied on, among other things, various facts and assumptions, as well as certain representations, statements and undertakings of MDU Resources and Knife River, including those relating to the past and future conduct of MDU Resources and Knife River. If any of these representations, statements or undertakings is, or becomes, inaccurate or incomplete, or if MDU Resources or Knife River breach any of the representations or covenants contained in any of the Separation-related agreements and documents or in any documents relating to the IRS private letter ruling and/or the opinion(s) of tax advisors, the IRS private letter ruling and/or the opinion(s) of tax advisors may be invalid and the conclusions reached therein could be jeopardized.

Notwithstanding receipt by MDU Resources of the IRS private letter ruling and the opinion(s) of tax advisors, the IRS could determine that the Separation and/or certain related transactions should be treated as taxable transactions for U.S. federal income tax purposes if it determines that any of the representations, assumptions, or undertakings upon which the IRS private letter ruling or the opinion(s) of tax advisors were based are false or have been violated. In addition, the IRS private letter ruling does not address and the opinion(s) of tax advisors do not address all of the issues that are relevant to determining whether the Separation, together with certain related transactions, qualifies as a transaction that is generally tax-free for U.S. federal income tax purposes. Further, the opinion(s) of tax advisors represent the judgment of such tax advisors and are not binding on the IRS or any court, and the IRS or a court may disagree with the conclusions in the opinion(s) of tax advisors. Accordingly, notwithstanding receipt by MDU Resources of the IRS private letter ruling and the opinion(s) of tax advisors, there can be no assurance that the IRS will not assert that the Separation and/or certain related transactions do not qualify for tax-free treatment for U.S. federal income tax purposes or that a court would not sustain such a challenge. In the event the IRS were to prevail in such challenge, MDU Resources, Knife River and MDU Resources stockholders could be subject to significant U.S. federal income tax liability.

If the Separation, together with related transactions, were to fail to qualify as a transaction that is generally tax-free for U.S. federal income tax purposes under Sections 355 and 368(a)(1)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code, in general, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, MDU Resources would recognize taxable gain as if it had sold Knife River common stock in a taxable sale for its fair market value, and MDU Resources stockholders who receive such Knife River shares in the distribution would be subject to tax as if they had received a taxable distribution equal to the fair market value of such shares. ”

Under the tax matters agreement, the Company may be required to indemnify MDU Resources against any additional taxes and related amounts resulting from the Separation (and any related costs and other damages) to the extent such amounts resulted from (a) an acquisition of all or a portion of its equity securities or assets, whether by merger or otherwise (and regardless of whether Knife River participated in or otherwise facilitated the acquisition), (b) other actions or failures to act by Knife River or (c) any inaccuracy or breach of the Company’s representations, covenants or undertakings contained in any of the Separation-related agreements and documents or in any documents relating to the IRS private letter ruling and/or the opinion(s) of tax advisors. Any such indemnity obligations could be material.

U.S. federal income tax consequences may restrict the Company’s ability to engage in certain desirable strategic or capital-raising transactions after the Separation.

Under current law, a separation can be rendered taxable to the parent corporation and its stockholders as a result of certain post-separation acquisitions of shares or assets of the spun-off corporation. For example, a separation may result in taxable gain to the parent corporation under Section 355(e) of the Internal Revenue Code if the Separation were deemed to be part of a plan (or series of related transactions) pursuant to which one or more persons acquire, directly or indirectly, shares representing a 50 percent or greater interest (by vote or value) in the spun-off corporation.

To preserve the U.S. federal income tax treatment of the Separation, and in addition to the Company’s indemnity obligation described below, the tax matters agreement restricts Knife River, for the two-year period following the distribution, except in specific circumstances, from:

  • Entering into any transaction pursuant to which all or a portion of Knife River common stock or assets would be acquired, whether by merger or otherwise.
  • Issuing equity securities beyond certain thresholds.
  • Repurchasing shares of its capital stock other than in certain open-market transactions.
  • Ceasing to actively conduct certain aspects of its business.
  • And/or taking or failing to take any other action that would jeopardize the expected U.S. federal income tax treatment of the distribution and certain related transactions.

These restrictions may limit the Company’s ability to pursue certain strategic transactions or other transactions that it may believe to be in the best interests of its stockholders or that might increase the value of its business.

Knife River may not achieve some or all of the expected benefits of the Separation, and the Separation may materially and adversely affect its financial position, results of operations and cash flows.

The Company may be unable to achieve the full strategic and financial benefits expected to result from the Separation, or such benefits may be delayed or not occur at all for a variety of reasons, including, among others, that: (a) management may be required to spend significant amounts of time and effort on post Separation activities, which may divert management’s attention from operating and growing Knife River’s business; (b) Knife River may be more susceptible to market fluctuations and other adverse events than if it was still a part of MDU Resources; (c) Knife River’s business is less diversified than MDU Resources’ business prior to the Separation; and (d) the other actions required to separate MDU Resources’ and Knife River’s respective businesses could disrupt its operations. If the Company fails to achieve some or all of the benefits expected to result from the Separation, or if such benefits are delayed, it could have a material adverse effect on its financial position, results of operations and cash flows.

Knife River or MDU Resources may fail to perform under various transaction agreements executed as part of the Separation or the Company may fail to have necessary systems and services in place when certain of the transaction agreements expire.

Prior to the Separation, Knife River and MDU Resources entered into a separation and distribution agreement and also entered into various other agreements, including a transition services agreement, a tax matters agreement and an employee matters agreement. The separation agreement, the tax matters agreement and the employee matters agreement determine the allocation of assets and liabilities between the companies following the Separation for those respective areas and include any necessary indemnifications related to liabilities and obligations. The transition services agreement provides for the performance of certain services by MDU Resources for the benefit of Knife River, or in some cases certain services provided by Knife River for the benefit of MDU Resources, for a limited period of time after the Separation. Knife River will rely on MDU Resources to satisfy its obligations under these agreements. If MDU Resources is unable to satisfy its obligations under these agreements, including its indemnification obligations, Knife River could incur operational difficulties or losses. If Knife River does not have agreements with other providers of these services once certain transaction agreements expire or terminate, Knife River may not be able to operate its business effectively, which may have a material adverse effect on its financial position, results of operations and cash flows.

The Company’s inability to resolve favorably any disputes that arise between Knife River and MDU Resources with respect to their past and ongoing relationships may adversely affect the Company’s operating results.

Disputes may arise between the Company and MDU Resources in a number of areas relating to the various transaction agreements, including: labor, tax, employee benefit, indemnification and other matters arising from the Company’s Separation from MDU Resources; employee retention and recruiting; business combinations involving the Company; and the nature, quality and pricing of services that Knife River and MDU Resources have agreed to provide each other. The Company may not be able to resolve potential conflicts, and even if it does, the resolution may be less favorable than if it were dealing with an unaffiliated party.

Following the Separation, certain members of management, directors and stockholders hold stock in both Knife River and MDU Resources, and as a result may face actual or potential conflicts of interest.

Following the Separation, certain management and directors of each of MDU Resources and Knife River own both MDU Resources common stock and Knife River common stock. This ownership overlap could create, or appear to create, potential conflicts of interest when Knife River’s management and directors and MDU Resources’ management and directors face decisions that could have different implications for Knife River and MDU Resources. For example, potential conflicts of interest could arise in connection with the resolution of any dispute between MDU Resources and Knife River regarding the terms of the agreements governing the Separation and the relationship with MDU Resources thereafter. These agreements include the separation and distribution agreement, the tax matters agreement, the employee matters agreement, the transition services agreement, the stockholder and registration rights agreement and any commercial agreements between the parties or their affiliates. Potential conflicts of interest may also arise out of any commercial arrangements that Knife River or MDU Resources may enter into in the future.

Failure to maintain effective internal control over financial reporting in accordance with Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act could materially and adversely affect Knife River.

As a public company, Knife River has become subject to the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Dodd-Frank Act and is required to prepare its financial statements according to the rules and regulations required by the SEC. The Company’s failure to prepare and disclose this information in a timely manner or to otherwise comply with applicable law could subject it to penalties under federal securities laws, expose it to lawsuits and restrict its ability to access financing. In addition, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires that, among other things, Knife River establish and maintain effective internal controls and procedures for financial reporting and disclosure purposes. Internal control over financial reporting is complex and may be revised over time to adapt to changes in Knife River’s business, or changes in applicable accounting rules. Knife River cannot assure you that its internal control over financial reporting will be effective in the future or that a material weakness will not be discovered with respect to a prior period for which it had previously believed that internal controls were effective. If Knife River is not able to maintain or document effective internal control over financial reporting, its independent registered public accounting firm will not be able to certify as to the effectiveness of its internal control over financial reporting.

Matters affecting Knife River’s internal controls may cause it to be unable to report its financial information on a timely basis, or may cause it to restate previously issued financial information, and thereby subject Knife River to adverse regulatory consequences, including sanctions or investigations by the SEC, or violations of applicable stock exchange listing rules. There could also be a negative reaction in the financial markets due to a loss of investor confidence in Knife River and the reliability of its financial statements. Confidence in the reliability of Knife River’s financial statements is also likely to suffer if it or its independent registered public accounting firm reports a material weakness in its internal control over financial reporting. This could have a material and adverse effect on Knife River by, for example, leading to a decline in the share price and impairing its ability to raise additional capital.

As an independent, publicly traded company, the Company may not enjoy the same benefits that it did as a segment of MDU Resources.

Historically, Knife River’s business has been operated as one of MDU Resources’ business segments, and MDU Resources performed substantially all the corporate functions for Knife River’s operations, including managing financial and human resources systems, internal auditing, investor relations, treasury services, financial reporting, finance and tax administration, benefits administration, legal, and regulatory functions. After the Separation, MDU Resources has provided support to the Company with respect to certain of these functions on a transitional basis. The Company has needed to replicate certain facilities, systems, infrastructure and personnel to which it no longer has access after the Separation and will likely continue to incur capital and other costs associated with developing and implementing its own support functions in these areas.

As an independent, publicly traded company, the Company has become more susceptible to market fluctuations and other adverse events than it would have been were it still a part of MDU Resources. As part of MDU Resources, Knife River was able to enjoy certain benefits from MDU Resources’ operating diversity and available capital for investments. As an independent, publicly traded company, Knife River does not have similar operating diversity and does not have similar access to capital markets, which could have a material adverse effect on its financial position, results of operations and cash flows.

In connection with the Separation from MDU Resources, MDU Resources agreed to indemnify Knife River for certain liabilities and Knife River agreed to indemnify MDU Resources for certain liabilities. If Knife River is required to pay MDU Resources under these indemnities, Knife River’s financial results could be negatively impacted. The MDU Resources indemnity may not be sufficient to hold Knife River harmless from the full amount of liabilities for which MDU Resources will be allocated responsibility, and MDU Resources may not be able to satisfy its indemnification obligations in the future.

Pursuant to the separation agreement and certain other agreements with MDU Resources, MDU Resources agreed to indemnify Knife River for certain liabilities, and Knife River agreed to indemnify MDU Resources for certain liabilities, in each case for uncapped amounts. Indemnities that Knife River may be required to provide to MDU Resources are not subject to any cap, may be significant and could negatively impact Knife River’s business, particularly with respect to indemnities provided in the tax matters agreement.

Third parties could also seek to hold the Company responsible for any of the liabilities that MDU Resources has agreed to retain. Any amounts Knife River is required to pay pursuant to these indemnification obligations and other liabilities could require the Company to divert cash that would otherwise have been used in furtherance of its operating business. Further, the indemnity from MDU Resources may not be sufficient to protect Knife River against the full amount of such liabilities, and MDU Resources may not be able to fully satisfy its indemnification obligations. Moreover, even if the Company ultimately succeeds in recovering from MDU Resources any amounts for which it is held liable, it may be temporarily required to bear these losses itself. Each of these risks could have a material adverse effect on Knife River’s financial position, results of operations and cash flows.


Shareholder Risks

The trading market for Knife River common stock has existed only a short period following the Separation, and the market price and trading volume of its common stock may fluctuate significantly.

An active trading market for the Company’s common stock was only recently initiated following the Separation. The trading price of Knife River common stock has been and may continue to be volatile and the trading volume may fluctuate and cause significant price variations to occur. For many reasons, including the other risks identified in this section, the market price of the Company’s common stock may be more volatile than its market peers. These factors may result in short-term or long-term negative pressure on the value of the Company’s common stock. We cannot predict the prices at which the Company’s common stock may trade.

The market price of shares of Knife River common stock may fluctuate significantly due to a number of factors, some of which may be beyond the Company’s control, including: actual or anticipated fluctuations in Knife River’s operating results; declining operating revenues derived from Knife River’s core business; the operating and stock price performance of comparable companies; changes in the regulatory and legal environment in which the Company operates; market conditions in the construction materials and contracting services market; and the domestic and global economy as a whole.

If securities or industry analysts do not publish research or publish misleading or unfavorable research about the Company’s business, Knife River’s stock price and trading volume could decline.

The trading market for Knife River common stock depends in part on the research and reports that securities or industry analysts publish about Knife River or its business. If one or more of the analysts downgrades the Company’s stock or publishes misleading or unfavorable research about its business, the Company’s stock price would likely decline. If one or more of the analysts ceases coverage of Knife River common stock or fails to publish reports on the Company regularly, demand for Knife River common stock could decrease, which could cause Knife River common stock price or trading volume to decline.

Stockholder percentage of ownership in Knife River may be diluted in the future.

Knife River stockholders’ percentage ownership in Knife River may be diluted because of equity awards that have been and will be granted to its directors, officers and employees or otherwise as a result of equity issuances for acquisitions or capital market transactions. Certain Knife River employees also have stock-based awards relating to shares of Knife River common stock after the Separation as a result of conversion of MDU Resources stock-based awards (in whole or in part) to Knife River stock-based awards.

In addition, Knife River’s amended and restated certificate of incorporation authorizes it to issue, without the approval of its stockholders, one or more classes or series of preferred stock that have such designation, powers, preferences and relative, participating, optional and other special rights, including preferences over Knife River common stock respecting dividends and distributions, as its board of directors generally may determine. The terms of one or more classes or series of preferred stock could dilute the voting power or reduce the value of Knife River common stock. Similarly, the repurchase or redemption rights or liquidation preferences the Company could assign to holders of preferred stock could affect the residual value of the common stock.

Knife River cannot guarantee the timing, declaration, amount or payment of dividends on its common stock.

The timing, declaration, amount and payment of any dividends are within the discretion of the Company’s board of directors, and will depend upon many factors, including its financial condition, earnings, capital requirements of its operating subsidiaries, covenants associated with certain of the Company’s debt service obligations, legal requirements, regulatory constraints, industry practice, ability to access capital markets, and other factors deemed relevant by the Company’s board of directors. Moreover, if Knife River determines to pay any dividend in the future, there can be no assurance that it will continue to pay such dividends or the amount of such dividends.

The Company’s amended and restated bylaws designates the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware or, if the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware does not have jurisdiction, another state court of the State of Delaware, or, if no state court located in the State of Delaware has jurisdiction, the federal court for the District of Delaware, as the sole and exclusive forum for certain types of actions and proceedings that may be initiated by Knife River’s stockholders, which could discourage lawsuits against the Company and its directors and officers.

The Company’s amended and restated bylaws provides that, unless the board of directors otherwise determines, the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware or, if the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware does not have jurisdiction, another state court of the State of Delaware, or, if no state court located in the State of Delaware has jurisdiction, the federal court for the District of Delaware, will be the sole and exclusive forum for any derivative action or proceeding brought on behalf of Knife River, any action asserting a claim of breach of a fiduciary duty owed by any director or officer to Knife River or its stockholders, creditors or other constituents, any action asserting a claim against Knife River or any director or officer arising pursuant to any provision of the DGCL or the Company’s amended and restated certificate of incorporation or amended and restated bylaws, or any action asserting a claim against Knife River or any director or officer governed by the internal affairs doctrine.

In addition, the Company’s amended and restated bylaws further provide that, unless the board of directors otherwise determines, the federal district courts of the United States of America shall be the sole and exclusive forum for any action asserting a claim arising under the Securities Act. The exclusive forum provision does not apply to actions arising under the Exchange Act or the rules and regulations thereunder. While the Delaware Supreme Court ruled in March 2020 that federal forum selection provisions purporting to require claims under the Securities Act be brought in federal court are “facially valid” under Delaware law, there is uncertainty as to whether other courts will enforce Knife River’s federal forum provision described above. Knife River’s stockholders will not be deemed to have waived compliance with the federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder.

This exclusive forum provision may limit the ability of Knife River’s stockholders to bring a claim in a judicial forum that such stockholders find favorable for disputes with Knife River or its directors or officers, which may discourage such lawsuits against the Company and its directors and officers, and such provision may also make it more expensive for Knife River’s stockholders to bring such claims.

Although the Company’s amended and restated bylaws include the exclusive forum provision described above, it is possible that a court could rule that this provision is inapplicable or unenforceable. Alternatively, if a court outside of Delaware were to find this exclusive forum provision inapplicable to, or unenforceable in respect of, one or more of the specified types of actions or proceedings described above, Knife River may incur additional costs associated with resolving such matters in other jurisdictions, which could adversely affect its business, financial condition or results of operations.

Provisions in the Company’s amended and restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated bylaws and Delaware law may prevent or delay an acquisition of Knife River, which could decrease the trading price of Knife River common stock.

The Company’s amended and restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated bylaws, and Delaware law, contain provisions that are intended to deter coercive takeover practices and inadequate takeover bids by making such practices or bids more expensive to the acquiror and to encourage prospective acquirors to negotiate with the Company’s board of directors rather than to attempt a hostile takeover. These provisions include rules regarding how stockholders may present proposals or nominate directors for election at stockholder meetings and the right of the Company’s board of directors to issue preferred stock without stockholder approval. Delaware law also imposes some restrictions on mergers and other business combinations between any holder of 15 percent or more of Knife River’s outstanding common stock and Knife River.

The Company believes these provisions protect its stockholders from coercive or otherwise unfair takeover tactics by requiring potential acquirors to negotiate with its board of directors and by providing its board of directors with more time to assess any acquisition proposal. These provisions are not intended to make Knife River immune from takeovers. However, these provisions apply even if the offer may be considered beneficial by some stockholders and could delay or prevent an acquisition that the Company’s board of directors determines is not in the best interests of Knife River and its stockholders. Accordingly, in the event that the Company’s board of directors determines that a potential business combination transaction is not in the best interests of Knife River and its stockholders but certain stockholders believe that such a transaction would be beneficial to Knife River and its stockholders, such stockholders may elect to sell their shares in Knife River and the trading price of Knife River common stock could decrease.

These and other provisions of the Company’s amended and restated certificate of incorporation, amended and restated bylaws and the DGCL could have the effect of delaying, deferring or preventing a proxy contest, tender offer, merger or other change in control, which may have a material adverse effect on its business, financial condition and results of operations. In addition, applicable state insurance laws and regulations could delay or impede a change of control of Knife River.

Furthermore, an acquisition or further issuance of Knife River’s stock could trigger the application of Section 355(e) of the Internal Revenue Code, causing the Separation to be taxable to MDU Resources. Under the tax matters agreement, and as described in more detail above, Knife River would be required to indemnify MDU Resources for the resulting taxes and related amount, and this indemnity obligation might discourage, delay or prevent a change of control that stockholders may consider favorable.